Sunday, June 1, 2008

spring aches and pains

(This post was started in May but I didn't get around to finishing it until now)

Due to a rare free weekend, I just spent two days working outside non-stop. I started with the mowing Saturday morning at about 6:30. I don't know what my neighbors thought of this, but the weather was threatening rain any minute and the mowing was the one project on my to-do list that couldn't be done during or after the rain! Hopefully I didn't wake anyone up, fortunately I live in the country and my neighbors aren't that close.

Ever notice that no matter how assiduously you stick to your workouts all winter, when spring finally comes and you spend a day doing real work outdoors, it hurts? I am feeling muscles I had forgotten existed. So much for the Fit Channel's programs guaranteed to pump up every muscle group in your body.

So tell me, where can I find the workout for the muscles I used to pull up those pesky lilies of the valley? Or better yet, what is the right move for working out the hosta-digging muscles? Why does raking always make my ribs hurt even though I've done hundreds of crunches for those obliques? It's enough to make one give up entirely and spend the entire winter in front of the fire with a mug of hot chocolate.

Here's my challenge for the Fit Channel: Find a real gardener to create the Ultimate Garden Readiness Workout. I promise I'll do it all winter!

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