Sunday, June 15, 2008

Gifting Green

Hints on Gifting Green:

For gardeners: Give plants from your own garden, make new houseplants from cuttings, give a gift certificate to a garden center, or give a really useful tool that you know she needs and doesn't own.

For anyone: Give your time. Free babysitting, house sitting, dog walking, house cleaning, weeding, etc.

Give tickets to a musical, play, or other event.

itunes gift cards are great for teenagers! (Also for grown-ups)

Give to charity in someone's honor. This is particularly good for the giftee who "has everything." Sometimes older people don't want to accumulate more stuff. My husband's grandmother said, "No more gifts!" when she turned 90. We've been donating to charities for her ever since and she is always appreciative.

Home baked treats -- no one has time to bake and everyone loves a pie or a fresh loaf of bread.

I think it's fine to give "stuff" if someone needs "stuff." It's incredibly satisfying to be able to fill a genuine need in someone else's life. But so many times one needs to give a gift because it's a holiday and not because the giftee actually needs anything in particular. I love the holiday season, but I don't want it to become an environmental liability. Please add your thoughts about other green gifts!

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