Saturday, May 21, 2011

The proliferation of the progeny of the prodigious pigweed: A problem.

Years ago, as a novice gardener, I nurtured a "volunteer" that I thought might be a flower. It did so well with my tender loving care, that it took over the bed, actually growing taller than me! Not recognizing it, I eventually became concerned and asked my garden mentor what it could be. She didn't recognize the description, so I brought a piece of it to work to show her. Puzzled, she said that it looked like pigweed, but she had never heard of one so large! Alas, it had gone to seed (millions of seeds, actually) before I could get rid of it. Lo, these many years later, I am still trying to rid the gardens of pigweed, only now I get them when they are very tiny.
My take-home message: Look it up or ask a friend before it's too late! :-)

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