Friday, August 1, 2008

Rattlesnake Pole Beans

I have to recommend Rattlesnake pole beans to all the novice vegetable gardeners out there. This is my first year trying them and they are fabulous. I direct seeded in the spring and every seed sprouted. The vines are robust and they are producing like crazy. The beans taste great, and there are so many of them that we have some to eat and some to freeze for the winter. Another perk is that they are green with purple stripes, so they're easier to find than the all-green varieties that blend in perfectly with the color of the surrounding foliage.
I also tried out some yellow pole beans this year and I am not thrilled with them. Particularly compared to the fabulous Rattlesnakes. Next year I may try a new variety for fun, but I'm definitely growing the Rattlesnakes every year from now on.

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