Monday, March 28, 2011


Is it inconvenient to be vegan? I don't find it to be so. I already knew how to cook and enjoyed doing it though. I suppose if you currently subsist on fast food and pre-packaged food-like substances, then you would find my way of eating inconvenient. But if you think cooking healthful meals is inconvenient, you should ask someone with Type II diabetes how convenient it is to poke their finger, check their blood sugar, and give themselves shots of insulin. That's where your convenience food will get you.

It is a myth that you need a lot of weird, hard-to-find ingredients to be vegan. You also don't need to eat "fake" meat unless you want to. There are so many delicious whole foods out there that I could eat something different every day and never feel deprived. My food world has gotten bigger since going vegan, not smaller!

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